Sep 30, 2006

Acceptance (doesn’t equal) Acquiescence

Here is an excellent article by Douglas Rushkoff from the most recent issue of Arthur magazine. It's a rational discussion on the idea that we (Americans) do not live in a democracy any longer.

This is something of a summation of a lot of stuff I've been thinking about for a while now. It's amazing to me that we even speak about elections being fixed and the current administration breaking the laws, and there isn't any investigations or talk of anything being done about it. It just goes on & on & on. What the fuck? No bands or artists seem to be saying anything...there doesn't seem to be any feeling of "let's do something about this" at all. And yet, almost every single person I talk to hates this president and the current state of things.


Maritza said...

That was a great article. Most people would rather bury their heads in the sand and pretend that they have no effect on government and that our current state isn't so bad or worse yet, they focus on their pet issues while ignoring the bigger picture.

Even more disheartening is that I can't think of a single person in politics or not, that I would trust to run the country right now.

Maritza said...

Not to turn this into a political forum but a big part of the problem is that people don't get involved by voting. You can protest and complain all you want, but people need to vote starting at the local level and to volunteer in the programs that they believe or at least donate money. There is a way to bring back a real democracy, people have become apathetic.

I'll save the rest of my rant for another day. This article really struck a nerve.

Erik from the Eighties said...

Pacifying the proletariat has become a big focus by "those in power". They know a comfortable majority of powerless people will not rebel, or question authority.

The best thing any of us can do is get involved with politics on the local level, in our own communities. Find out who your city councilperson is, and see what they are doing. When you have questions, or want to volunteer for something, contact your community board.

Soon, you'll know enough like minded people that may help start a wave of change.

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