Sep 14, 2006

Downer at the rock & roll club

Sometimes in life you find out things are going to change. You find out the sometime touchstones and signposts of your life might not be there forever. You process it, or try to, and it sits there for a while. Then the time finally comes and it's even more disappointing than the first time you heard about it. I hate long goodbyes...

Here's a fantastic piece
by Lenny Kaye about the closing of CBGB. He knows a thing or two about CBGB.

As well, here's a piece by Richard Bienstock on the closing of the less influential, but important for the last 20 or so years, Continental.

And the beat goes on...

1 comment:

Erik from the Eighties said...

This place smells bad - good riddance!

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