Sep 27, 2006

Rough Trade At 30

Here's a great article from Time Out London about the Rough Trade Record shop as it celebrates 30 years of existence:

Rough Trade at 30 - In 1976, a record shop opened on Kensington Park Road that was to become a London legend. Time Out browses three decades of history at Rough Trade.

Read the article here.

(Thanks Gary)


Maritza said...

That was an excellent article, it feeds into my fantasy of moving to a very small college town far, far away and opening some sort of little new music/books/yarn/craft shop that is kept afloat by the community. A shop that makes just enough money to be worth keeping open and let's me pay my bills.

Tug said...

Wow. You click on other people's commentors (we both visit Maritza ;-)) and sometimes you get lucky. Just looking around here for now, but I'll be back - my brother's working on getting me into more music than 70's & 80's (shush) as I check out his suggestions, I'll check in here, too. So far, I like!!

Unknown said...

Hey there, came across your blog thanks to the blogger nav bar thingy up top that says next blog. Anyway, It's nice to see that places like this can still thrive in an area that's dominated by franchise stores that have no character or people with knowledge of what's being sold. A true testament to greatness that it's survived 30 years.

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