Oct 18, 2006

Press Eject And Give Me the Tape

I was tipped off today to these photos on Flicker by someone identifying himself as em1977@verizon.net. From the looks of it, it seems as if this may be the photog who took the picture that appears on the Bauhaus album, Press the Eject and Give Me the Tape, but there is no bio info.

This is a small but great collection of pix from NYC circa late 70s/early 80s, from such clubs as Hurrah, Danceteria, Peppermint Lounge, and others. Real quality stuff...

1 comment:

Erik from the Eighties said...

The only ones are shown as being at both Hurrahs and CB's, but both pics are from Cb's; I was there

Human Sexual Response! Wow, I was there for that one. I think they were opening for Iggy. It was New Values/Soldier tour, I think. Glen Matlock (Pistols), Brian James (Damned) were playing with him then.

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