Oct 13, 2006

Speaking of commercials...

...some, if not most, of you must have seen the latest commercial from Chevrolet featuring John Mellencamp. "This is our country," or some such crap. To put it mildly, this commercial and campaign is the ultimate in predictable shit slinging as I've ever seen.

I mean never mind the music which is bad enough...it's a weak Cougar-ized version of "This Land Is Your Land..."

Is anyone at all offended by the use of pictures and images of Martin Luther King, Jr., Rosa Parks, 9/11 and Katrina, to sell pick-up trucks? TO SELL PICK-UP TRUCKS?!

Who was the genius who greenlighted this abortion? I couldn't believe my eyes the first time I saw it. Talk about your signs of the coming apocalypse...I'm surprised these guys aren't driving Chevy's:

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