Oct 6, 2006

Tower Records To Be Liquidated

Founded in 1960, Tower is probably the last great Amercian chain record store we'll see in our lifetime. Sadly, record stores are on their way out. Many of my friends own stores and quite often I'm privvy to tales of their woes and it's sad. I miss buying new records (records not CD's)...I miss the anticipation of new releases, new singles, hanging out...the social aspect - the connection!

After a lengthy auction stretching over two days, a federal bankruptcy judge on Friday approved the sale of Sacramento-based Tower Records to Great American Group, which plans to liquidate the music retailer.

Read the story here.

Best of luck to all those that will be made redundant as a result...


Maritza said...

I remember when the Tower Records in the city opened and we all thought that it would put the smaller stores out of business. Now the tide has turned and an even bigger shop, Wal-Mart, has put Tower out of business.

Besides boutique, specialty record stores for hardcore audiophiles or deejays, who goes to a record/cd store anymore?

It seems that the bankruptcy was inevitable despite Tower's attempts to branch out to games, movies and books.

Remember when retailers thought that home taping was killing music? Now it seems that downloading from the comfort of my home or shopping at Wal-Mart for cheap dog food and a couple of CD's is the real killer.

Tug said...

I don't remember a Tower Records, but I used to stop & shop at Virgin Records in the mall when I lived in Phoenix all the time.... WOW.

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