Nov 6, 2006

Is it Bono or does it stink in CBGB?

Thanks to Randy & to Bonnie (respectively) for the following two stories:

First Mark Kemp, formerly of Rolling Stone, presents a wonderful expose of the holier than thou Bono, in Pride (In the Name of Lust) from Harp Magazine.

Looks like Paul Hewson's finally found what he was looking for—a big-time stake in the world of corporate finance. In August, the Artist Formerly known as Bono—aka St. Bono, aka Rock & Roll Human Rights Activist Numero Uno—decided to buy a considerable chunk of the 89-year-old capitalist’s bible, Forbes magazine, putting the U2 front man into partnership with one of the United States’ most high-profile conservatives, two-time Republican presidential candidate Steve Forbes.

Then, from, by Chris Harris, we have CBGB's Last Days. An article discussing the actual dismantling of the joint...pretty interesting stuff as you may find...

The smell is bad enough to test anyone's gag reflex.

Worse than the stench of death, it's a putrid mix of decayed wood, decades-old dust, mold, vomit, sweat, stale beer, rat feces, a million cigarette butts and fruit so rotten that it actually smells slightly sweet.

This is the smell of CBGB's last hours.


Maritza said...

Oh Bono! He's just getting worse and worse. First, he participates, promotes and invests heavily in the Gap's "Red" label which is made by children overseas in sweatshops for which The Gap has been roundly criticzed but does nothing about and now this.

Damn, just when he was becoming Oprah's and the new Pope's best friend.

Erik from the Eighties said...

You know, I really love the ad for Chilli's (in the MTV Photo Gallery) shortly before and after the picture of the dessicated rat corpse! It's appropriate.

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