May 9, 2007

Does soap beat Germs?

Following up on this post regarding Germs dummer Don Bolles recent run in with cops, the following was posted today over at WFMU's Beware of the Blog:

Everything You Wanted To Know About Drugs N' Soap

If you hadn't heard by now, Germs drummer/sometime WFMU guest-programmer Don Bolles was busted by Orange County police in April for soap possession. After being pulled over for a broken tail light, his van was searched (as any good cop would do to a guy wearing a freaky fur hat) and a bottle of Dr. Bronner's peppermint soap was produced, testing positive for illicit drug GHB according to police. Don spent Easter in the clink until Bronners themselves bailed him out and took on the task of providing legal counsel. While Bronner's products are indeed hemp-based (a controvery within itself these days in California these days) GHB is an odd thing to have been tested positive for inside liquid soap, let alone the concept of utilizing it via that avenue (it's a common drug used for date rape). Lab tests on Don's soap proved the field test faulty, but he still has to go back to court later this month. In the meantime, this video (You Tube) of the whole episode recap as well as some pretty informative stuff on testing soap for drugs, and testing soap for...soap.

Here's the video:

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