Sep 2, 2009

It ain't where you're from, it's where you're at

Everyday I read blogs & online posts about New York changing...for better or worse, yunnies, (so called) hipsters, it was better when...etc, etc, etc...Anyway, I'm sort of sick of thinking about it. There are no real answers for me except for me to know where I'm at personally and trying to be alright with that. That can be difficult enough at times.

Quite by accident, I came across the following quote from a recent Steve Lewis column, and taking it out of context, it seems to sum up a lot of my feelings about many things these days..."That’s the difference between now and then. Now everything seems to be expected, while back then you could walk into your familiar club and it would be transformed into a pimp’s playhouse or undersea garden. We were kept on our toes while seeking someone to get on their knees."

Also, see Steve's article on the five best clubs ever in the history of the world, anywhere...well, New York City anyway. He admittedly forgot a couple...

Photo above courtesy of Flaming Pablum.

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