
Apr 19, 2010

London Pirate Frequencies

London Pirate Frequencies tells the story of pirate radio in the UK. It brings the story right, smack dab up-to-date, and doesn't just relive the glory days of Radio Luxembourg and Radio Caroline.

Although I don't personally love all of the music that the pirates play, more importantly I love the way they do it. And why. More power to 'em! Thanks to History Is Made At Night for bringing this to my attention.

"We went to London to tell the story of pirate radio – secret urban studios that transmit music from concrete tower blocks to the city, and met with DJs, and station managers, rappers and MCs. We met with DJ Scratcha from RINSE FM, MC Flirt from old school KOOL FM, J2k, Jammer, and Logan Sama. We uncovered how they stay underground and away from the authorities, while still setting the new music standard across London. We sailed to the source, where it all started – massive concrete and steel forts that sit at the mouth of the Thames River. We met the people who pioneered the spirit of pirate, and played the music that London wanted to hear. They set the standard, and when the authorities shut them down, pirate sounds went into the urban underground."

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