
Apr 28, 2010


Mick Farren announced the publication of his latest book yesterday over at Doc 40 - Speed-Speed-Speedfreak, a history of amphetamine. Along with that, he linked to a neat-o video for "Sister Ray" by the Velvet Underground - all 17 minutes of it - presented below for your enjoyment, but only if you can hit it sideways.

“Elvis Presley, the Hell’s Angels, Hunter S. Thompson, Truman Capote, the Beatles, Judy Garland, Hank Williams, Jack Kerouac, Johnny Cash, JFK, the Manson Family and Adolf Hitler. All of the above were, at one time or another, to put it bluntly, speedfreaks. Speed-Speed-Speedfreak traces the criminal and cultural use of amphetamine and its growing use through each new and destructive cycle. Speed is both one of the biggest social problems facing the country today, an indispensible component of the doctor’s medicine bag, and a huge and abiding influence on artists, musicians and writers."

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