May 24, 2010

The new banalists - Pop Group to reunite?!

UPDATE: Mark Stewart has confirmed this story. We will stay tuned for further details.

From 'one of the last bands I'd expect it from' department comes the news that, according to the AV Club, seminal skronky, funky & political UK post punk band, the Pop Group, will be reuniting for some gigs (possibly revolving around ATP), as well as a new album called The Alternate. Their new manifesto: "Deny the politics of envy. Taste is a form of personal censorship. Technique is the refuge of the insecure. We are The New Banalists."

Details of original members involved, or dates, are hopefully forthcoming. I'd imagine drummer Bruce Smith is a bit busy with PiL these days. I'll try to do a little investigating to confirm this story.

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