
Jun 23, 2010

The art of heroin

The NY Times ran an interesting article today about an art show featuring some real ephemera - the small custom-stamped wax paper bags that heroin is sold in in New York City. Having lived on the Lower East Side starting in 1984, I've had some experience with these, and must admit to being somewhat fascinated by them - the names, the designs. They just might be the ultimate ephemera having no cache, or appeal beyond what they contain (or contained), or use to the people who needed what was inside.

The White Box Gallery is presenting a show based on these tiny items meant for something completely different. Below is all of the information you'll need. A portion of the sales of the pieces will benefit the Lower East Side Harm Reduction Center (

June 23rd - June 29th, 2010
Opening, Wednesday 6.23.10 7pm-10pm
Viewing Hours: Mon-Fri 11am-7pm, Sat-Sun 12-6pm

White Box
329 Broome Street, at the Bowery
New York, NY 10002 Phone: 212-714-2347
Admission: Free

"Collected from New York City streets over the course of the past five years, Heroin Stamp Project will present over 100 distinct stamped heroin packets. The exhibition is comprised of large-scale prints depicting these seductive, yet sinister symbols in startling detail. Blown up to monumental proportions, these images become confrontational, insinuating the complex nature of drug use, from the market dynamics of suppliers and dealers, to the motivation and histories behind individual users." Continued here.


  1. daisy9:20 PM

    are you going? want to go together?

  2. I'll definitely go. Lets talk this week.


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