
Jun 17, 2010

At least my customer service works

I've heard from several readers & friends that the snapshot function I have installed on the blog is quite annoying, and I've listened. Unfortunately the folks over at have not (I've written to them to ask how to get it off the blog completely and they have not responded), and the function continues to work unless you do the following:

Go to the blog (if you're not here already), and hover your mouse over one of the links with snapshot. When the snapshot box opens look in the upper right corner and you'll see a little icon for preferences. Click that and make the selection to turn off snapshot. That should do it. Let me know how that works out.

On the other hand, if you like the snapshots (like Nazz Nomad), then just keep it as is.

Thanks, and as always, I appreciate your patronage. It means the world to me.


  1. your 8-track mix also isn't working. need that to get thru the day.

  2. eSquared - Thanks for mentioning that. I had no idea they changed the code - should work now, and youcan go about business as usual. Thanks for the nice words.

    Nazz - Glad you like the snaps, turns out its good that you can keep 'em.

    Have a good weekend guys.


Thanks for the comment...come back again soon!

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