
Jun 1, 2010

Cleveland rocked

Miriam Linna (she of Norton Records, A-Bones, and Cramps fame), checks in with a wonderful remembrance of seeing the Stooges and Slade back in early '74 at the Allen Theatre in Cleveland. The clipping on the left was recently sent to her by a friend, and brought the memories gushing forth. Included are amazing personal snaps of the Ig in action, as well as some amazing ephemera - hand written correspondence with James Williamson.

"A couple years ago... who am I kiddin'... a couple decades ago, some time in the last century... my old rock n' roll cohort pal Heidi T. (yes, the same gal who would be sobbing at the sight of a hideously bloated Marc Bolan at the Agora several months later) sent over a yellowed newspaper clipping that she'd found in the attic, an ancient space ad for the one Cleveland rock n' roll show that altered the mental direction of every teenage monster in the audience. Mind you, it was Heidi who crossed Slade out in that audacious hot pink ink. I would never have done such a thing; I loved Slade, and still do. But it was the Stooges who blew our brains into perpetual orbit that January in 1974." Continued here.

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