Jan 31, 2013

Andrew Loog Oldham speaks...We should all listen

The legendary Andrew Loog Oldham was kind enough to spend some time answering a few questions of mine recently for Perfect Sound Forever. Read the interview in full here

PSF: What advice would you give a young ALO today? 

ALO: Fall in love with the game, be ready to get fucked, get up again, rub away the dirt and the pain and get back into the ring again. Most people are in the business for the wrong reasons; it only works if you are with the right act. Simple as that. Fuck the naysayers, fuck the experts. Believe in your truth and work it. Make sure the reward is in the minute of doing the work and not in the minutes you'd like to be applauded. Fatal – can easily remove the kill. 

And be sure to tune in next Tuesday when we have the ALO edition of the Stupefied playlist!

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