Sep 21, 2006

American Hardcore

There's a documentary being released this week by Sony Classics called American Hardcore. It's, not porn, but American punk which eventually became hardcore.

I'll let you know what I think once I've seen the film but the website is pretty good as far as information goes, i.e. who contributed to the film. The quotes they use as to defining hardcore make me a little leery, but let's reserve judgement until the movie has been seen. The movie grew out of the book (below), written by Steven Blush. I wasn't a huge fan of the book and remember thinking that there were some definite factual errors that were confirmed by a good friend who would know these things. This is another reason I'm somewhat skeptical...but like I said, we'll see.

This is a good portion of the music that I grew up on so it means a lot...

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