Sep 23, 2006

New York's Alright If You Like Saxophones

Does anyone remember this? Fear on Saturday Night Live in 1981.

The basic story is that Fear were on the show as personal guests of John Belushi's - they were buddies. The kids slam dancing around the stage were (I think) mostly a crew of kids from DC - the Dischord kids (Minor Threat et al) and some others.

I remember seeing this as a kid and being pretty blown away, and it's still a cool performance. This sort of mayhem would never happen these days - this type of underground band or the slam dancing for that matter - too many lawsuits waiting to happen, too much insurance to think about, not enough records sold to warrant an appearance.

1 comment:

Maritza said...

I remember seeing that! When I lived in the city, across the airshaft lived a Chinese stockbroker who would practice his saxophone every night for about an hour. Every time he played, I always thought of that line, "New York's alright if you like saxophones". Fear was funny, not as witty as Black Flag but pretty funny.

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