Sep 24, 2006

While the gettin' is good...

I've had enough - I absolutely have to go to shows when I can. A couple of weekends ago I skipped 5 shows. 5 shows I probably could've gotten into for free! To wit:

- Radio Birdman at Irving Plaza
- the Avengers at CBGB, Maxwells, and some joint in Brooklyn (after Maxwells)
- Angry Samoans at CBGB

I can't, in good conscience, let this happen again. I got my Bad Brains ticket today. They're playing at CBGB on Oct. 9 & 10. Ticketweb has sold out.

Oct. 14 - the Bongos reunion show at Joe's Pub.

Dec. 15 - Lou Reed at St. Ann's Warehouse.

While I can walk & while I live in New York City, I have to take advantage of this stuff.


Maritza said...

You have a heck of a lot more energy than I do if you can go to all of these shows. If you go to Maxwells's, drop me a line - you can come over for rice and beans.

Billychic said...

I also wish I had the energy...and the bread. I'd love to catch more shows.
Lou Reed - I'd love to see him again. I saw him like three or four years ago at the...what's the venue? Bowery Ballroom?
I'm like a tourist in my home town.

Lou is great in concert.

That's awesome that you're seeing Bad Brains - have fun!

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