Oct 9, 2006

Farewell (Last week of a legend)

Today starts the last week of existence for CBGB as we know it. Yes, they may be moving to Las Vegas but really...that doesn't matter and I don't know if anyone really cares except the Kristal family (and I wish them all of the best).

A couple of weeks ago I was waiting to meet someone at the corner of Bond & Bowery outside of a cafe. As I was waiting, a half block from CBGB, I saw an old man walk towards me from the direction of CB's. It took a minute but I realized it was Hilly Kristal, who has been diagnosed with cancer. He suddenly looked so old! His beard was gone and under his baseball cap so was his hair - from treatment, I assume, but I don't know for sure. He was also walking slowly with a cane.

Tonight, tomorrow and Wednesday, the Bad Brains play a 3 night stand. Followed by the Dictators, Sic Fucks, and a Debbie Harry/Chris Stein bill on Friday and Saturday. And Patti Smith ends it all on Sunday night.

I hate long goodbyes so part of me is happy this week is finally here, but I'll be sad to see it go. This whole thing has been going on for well over a year now. Farewell CBGB, you've been a good friend. We will remember you...


Maritza said...

"All that'll be left at the Bowery is the smell and the echo of rock and roll" - Hilly Kristal

Erik from the Eighties said...

Shit, I'm starting to cry already!

Maritza said...

I thought it was just me being silly but something about Tim seeing Hilly not looking his best -I don't know, it broke my heart.

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