Jun 30, 2007

Rockin' at Nublu

Here's a couple of pictures from the most recent Etherea night at Nublu.

Me & Stephanie:

Dancing crowd...There's something odd to me about women dancing with their handbags on their shoulders:

Patrick & friend:

Nublu club & label owner, bandleader, etc, Ilhan:

Jun 29, 2007

Liquid Liquid news

You heard it here first - Domino Records will be releasing some sort of Liquid Liquid comp later this year. I'm short on specifics but it should include the original EP's, and possibly some remixes.

I'll post more if & when I find out anything.

Jun 27, 2007

Broken Sickos

Over breakfast I was reading a story about some retired NFL players appearing before congress to plead their case of not getting enough health care once their playing days ended. These guys have extremely serious cases, and I'm sure they probably have somewhat decent coverage just because they're part of the players union. However, there are many cases that quite extreme (they run the gamut from depression to the loss of body parts to suicide) and with the amount of money the NFL makes these days, I'm sure these guys have a case.

It made me think though...I wonder what percentage of the NFL-watching audience, the fans who support the whole behemoth, is part of the large percentage of Americans who have no health insurance at all? And shouldn't congress be addressing the health care system in this country as a whole? I haven't seen the new Michael Moore movie "Sicko" yet but I'm sure it won't make me feel any better. Something is broken, and it ain't just me...

Here are a couple of tracks for y'all:

Specials - Too Hot
Canned Heat - Goin' Up the Country

Jun 24, 2007


I highly suggest you go over to the good old BBC website and watch the Stooges set at Glastonbury. Holy crap...I'm sitting here with goosebumps. I hope I can be forgiven for not going to any of their New York area shows recently. My goodness!

Jun 22, 2007

Cool downtown NYC stuff

I'm putting up links to some stuff here that I forgot about & haven't looked at in a while. They're from our friend Robert Lund's website. First up:

Willoughby Sharp's Downtown New York - Clips from his Cable Show (1986)

And also, some complete issues of Non-LP B-Side. Non-LP B-Side was a short lived, very cool little magazine that covered the New York scene in the early 80's. Check out the new wave graphics - I've always loved this mag. It brings back great memories of discovery for me - of music, girls, drugs, college radio, and basically life. Moments I've been chasing ever since.

Peppermint Lounge

Recent eBay postings - Borland, Comsats, Collins, Divine Comedy, more!

I want to let you know I recently obtained a nice (i.e. large) batch of CD's and vinyl that I'm selling on eBay. Bands include Adrian Borland (a couple of REALLY rare titles), the Comsat Angels, and a bunch of Setanta Records stuff from the Divine Comedy, Edwyn Collins, A House, Into Paradise, and more...Have a look here!

Jun 21, 2007

Ruts Reunion! Paul Fox...

I'm a few days late in posting this since I found out, and Tony Fletcher's post yesterday prompted me to get a move on it. Anyway, some really bad news came through recently that former Ruts guitarist, Paul Fox, has lung cancer. The Ruts (and Ruts DC) have long been one of my favorite rock bands of all time...this has never wavered. My very first tattoo is of their triangle logo which I like because only people who really know the Ruts know what it is.

Anyway, my first exposure to the Ruts probably came via some Virgin Records new wave/punk compilation back in the very late 70's or early 80's, and was probably the song Babylon's Burning. From the very first time I heard them, I knew these guys had "it," whatever that "it" is. They had a depth & soulfulness that most (if not all) of the other second wave UK punk bands lacked. A lot of it had to do with charismatic lead singer Malcolm Owen (RIP). In 1984 or so, I was living with Jack Rabid of Big Takeover fame, and he had given me a live tape of the band. I loved this tape/performance/band so much, I remember actually walking to work at Bleecker Bobs with a cassette playing boom box just so I could listen to it. Funny...And while I was living at Jacks, Paul Fox came and stayed with us for about a week. I don't remember why he was in New York at the time, but I remember what a nice guy he was (and I'm sure he still is). One of my favorite memories of living at Jacks is Paul teaching me how to play Babylon's Burning on guitar. Incredible!

So now it turns out that life has happened, and many years later now Paul has lung cancer. In order to raise some dough for him, the three surviving Ruts (including Paul) will be playing on July 16 in London. I've been searching like crazy all morning for a suitable flight but it's beginning to look like I won't be able to afford it. The only other time I went so far to see a show was back in'93 for the Velvet Underground reunion. If anyone has any suggestions on getting an inexpensive trip from JFK to Heathrow please let me know...any airline employees or relatives out there?

Sorry about the funky layout that follows - having trouble getting Blogger to cooperate.

First album - The Crack (1979 with Malcolm Owen)

Second album - Grin & Bear It (1980, a singles and odds & ends comp released after Malcolm Owen's passing)

Third album - Animal Now (1981, as Ruts DC, with bassist Segs Jennings on vocals)

Fourth, and last, album - Rhythm Collision (1982, with the Mad Professor)

There have been nights when I'm DJ'ing, and I've played all 8 cuts on Rhythm Collision throughout the course of the night - that's how good it (and they) are!

Jun 20, 2007

I'm A Member (of the FVK)

The bourgeoisie had better watch out for me. All throughout this so called nation, we don't want your filthy money, we don't need your innocent bloodshed. We just wanna end your world. Well my minds made up. Yes, it's time for you to pay, better watch out for me. I'm a member of the F.V.K.

Jun 19, 2007

1981 Flashback

Steve...hope you don't mind me throwing this up here. Everyone else - visit Medium Medium. The following is a great example crit-wank.

Jun 17, 2007

Didn't make it to the Television show yesterday and I'm sort of glad I didn't. Richard Lloyd didn't play and was replaced by a longtime Verlaine associate named Jimmy Ripp. Through a friend who would know, I heard Richard is on the mend which is great to hear. Since he couldn't make it Saturday, and when he's feeling better, maybe New York will be granted one last real Television show sometime in the not-to-distant future.

In other news, I've started working part time with Kadvan Entertainment. Last week I was lucky enough to accompany the awesomely cool Sharon Jones as she made a 4 song guest appearance, 2 days in a row, with Booker T & the MG's, so I was able to spend a little time with some of my soul heroes. They were extremely nice fellows and were happy to talk about their career, Stax Records, and Memphis, TN.

Yesterday, I was privy to some footage from a documentary thats being made about Candy Darling. It looks like it's going to be great. The makers of the film were all close to Candy and the whole project is obviously filled with lots of love. They already have about 25 hours of interview footage shot, and they're not done yet. Visit the film's official website for news & updates. If you're into Warhol & the Factory folks, this is definitely one to watch out for.

Lastly, I also stopped by Dashwood Books and picked up a copy of the great new book by Josh Cheuse that I mentioned earlier this week. Nice shop (they specialize in photography books), and a great book by Josh - well worth seeking out.

Jun 15, 2007

Television at Summerstage heads up

I've been getting some hits here since I posted about Richard Lloyd's pneumonia and the tomorrow's Television show, so I gave the Summerstage office a call. Someone there said they expect Television will play whether Lloyd is there or not. Just thought I'd pass the information along...

Jun 13, 2007

Josh Cheuse - Rockers Galore

Friend of Stupefaction, talented photographer and graphic artist Josh Cheuse, has a new book out of his music related photography over the years called Rockers Galore, and it's absolutely beautiful. There is a heavy lean on the 80's as Josh worked and travelled a lot with the likes of the Clash and Big Audio Dynamite. As well, there are fantastic shots of the nascent hip hop kids in New York including Run DMC and the Beastie Boys...I admit I actually haven't seen a copy of the book yet but I've seen enough online, and am familiar enough with Josh's work to know that it's great. I will be making the purchase. Checkout:

Rockers Galore website (brought to you by Stussy) - here you can read a nice bio about Josh & view a short Quicktime movie with him discussing his photography. Buy the book here.

Stussy has also produced a limited edition run of t-shirts with images by Josh, my personal favorite being this (above) stunning shot of Terry Hall in his Specials days. (On a side note, I've always been oddly fascinated by Terry Hall's eyebrows.)

Jun 11, 2007

The hits just keep on coming...

And yet more vinyl is up on eBay for your perusal.

Some ending within the next hour or so, during this week, and through next week. Have a look! Buy several - I combine shipping so its cheap!

Jun 8, 2007

Lazy Bastard Writers

Just a little bitching before the weekend about something that really gets my goat:

I picked up the Village Voice this morning just to see what might be happening in this fine metropolis and I'm checking out the music section. I'm scanning the articles, and in three separate instances, in the same section(!), the word "triumphant" is used in subtitles. The overuse of certain words in music "journalism" really makes me crazy...when you read enough stories, reviews, and books about music, you start to pick up on these types of things.

Number 1 on the annoyance list - "fiercely independent." "Triumphant" has quickly moved to #2, just ahead of "essential" at #3. Don't any of you guys own a thesaurus? Or are you all in need of a decent editor? Please! Put a little bit of an effort in!

Jun 6, 2007

New Old Spice Bruce Campbell Ahoy Commercial

I heart this commercial. Our only hope is that this guy will make an appearance on the Cavemen show when it starts airing. Where is Richard Cheese when you need him?

Definitely off the air

Following on from yesterdays mention of the June 16 Summerstage show being Richard Lloyd's last with Television, I found this at Richard's website:

Message from the webmaster, 1st June 2007:

I am sorry to report that Richard is currently unwell. He has been in hospital Intensive Care for 8 days with pneumonia as a primary medical problem. This has responded to treatment and he has shown some improvement and is now free of the breathing apparatus.


After the possible Summer stage show in New York City on June 16, which is to be announced by the city of New York on May 15, Richard Lloyd will, after 34 years, be amicably severing all ties with the band Television, in order that he may concentrate his magnetic force and supernatural energies upon his own career in support of his forthcoming record, due out in the fall. This new record directly competes with Marquee Moon, Axis: Bold as Love, The Doors, Patti Smith's Horses, Bob Marley's Natty Dread, Neil Young's Harvest, or any other record you can name, as one of the greatest records ever made in the history of rock 'n roll. That being so, Richard needs to concentrate all of his energies to support it and its subsidiary philosophies.

To the fans of Television, from the very first show at the townhouse Theatre on March 4, 1974 till the hopeful last show here in New York at the Summer stage -- which by the way, is a free show, thank you for your support over these many years. I hope to see you follow both my own and the other members of the band in their own solo efforts for many more years to come.

Thank you,
Sincerely yours,
Richard Lloyd

So, provided he recovers in time, the show on the 16th will definitely be his last TV set, so to speak. Let's all send some good vibes, and prayers Richards way for his recovery - June 16th show or not.

Jun 5, 2007

How much is that doggy in the window?

I'm currently selling a very eclectic mix of vinyl on eBay with more going up almost everyday. Please click here to see what I have available.



It's that time of year again for the outdoor summer shows. Here are a couple of highlights (for me) at Summerstage this year here in New York. Also, see River To River for some more interesting shows.

Going off the air?: Television, The Apples in Stereo, Dragons of Zynth - Saturday, June 16, 2007. Rumour has it that this might be Richard Lloyd's last show with the grandfathers of NYC rock.

Kickin' it old school: Wild Style 25th Anniversary Reunion: The Chief Rocker Busy Bee, The Cold Crush Brothers, GrandMaster Caz, DJ GrandWizzard Theodore, Fab 5 Freddy + special guests, and a film screening of Wild Style - Sunday, July 29, 2007

Putnam County by Tom Waits

There are alot of Putnam Counties in the United States, which you'll find out if you Google it. This song, even just by reading the lyrics (which read very well by the way), make you nostalgic for places you may have never even been:

I guess things were always quiet around Putnam County
kind of shy and sleepy as it clung to the skirts of the 2-lane
that was stretched out like an asphalt dance floor where all the oldtimers would
hunker down in bib jeans and store bought boots
lyin' about their lives and the places that they'd been
suckin' on Coca Colas and be spittin' Days Work
they's be suckin' on Coca Colas and be spittin' Day's Work
until the moon was a stray dog on the ridge and
the taverns would be swollen until the naked eye
of 2am, and the Stratocaster guitars slung over
Burgermeister beer guts, and the swizzle stick legs
jacknifed over naugahyde stools and the
witch hazel spread out over the linoleum floors,
the pedal pushers stretched out over midriff bulge
and the coiffed brunette curls over Maybelline eyes
wearing Prince Machiavelli, Estee Lauder,
smells so sweet
I elbowed up at the counter with mixed feelings
over mixed drinks
and Bubba and the Roadmasters moaned in pool hall
concentration as they knit their brows to
cover the entire Hank Williams Song Book
and the old National register was singing to the
tune of $57.57
until last call, one last game of 8 ball
and Berneice would be putting the chairs on the tables,
someone come in say "Hey man, anyone got
any Jumper Cables, is that a 6 or a 12 volt?"
and all the studs in town would toss 'em down
and claim to fame as they stomped their feet
boasting about being able to get more ass
than a toilet seat.
And the GMCs and the Straight 8 Fords
were coughing and wheezing and they
perculated as they tossed the gravel
underneath the fenders to weave home
a wet slick anaconda of a two lane
with tire irons and crowbars a rattlin'
with a tool box and a pony saddle
you're grinding gears, shifting into first
yea and that goddam tranny's just getting worse
with the melodies of "see ya later"
and screwdrivers on carburettors
talkin' shop about money to loan
and palominos and strawberry roans
See ya tomorrow, hello to the Mrs.
money to borrow and goodnight kisses
the radio spittin' out Charlie Rich
sure can sing that sonofabitch
and you weave home, weavin' home
leaving the little joint winking in the
dark warm narcotic American night
beneath a pin cushion sky and it's
home to toast and honey, start
up the Ford, your lunch money's there on the
draining board, toilet's runnin' shake the
handle, telephone's ringin' it's Mrs Randal
where the hell are my goddam sandals
and the porcelain poodles and the glass swans
staring down from the knick knack shelf
with the parent permission slips for the
kids' field trips
pair of Muckalucks scraping across
the shag carpet
and the impending squint of
first light, that lurked behind
a weeping marquee in downtown Putnam
and would be pullin' up any minute now
just like a bastard amber
Velveeta yellow cab on a rainy corner
and be blowin' its horn, in every window
in town.
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