
May 19, 2010

So Out It's In - Linder Sterling and Jon Savage: The Secret Public - Go See It!

I got to see the Secret Public show by Linder Sterling & Jon Savage today. When I wrote about it a couple of days ago, I lamented the fact that I missed the opening, and now I really wished I had been there. If you're a fan of any of the following, the show is a must see: cut & paste art, xerox art, ephemera, punk rock, you get the picture.

The show focuses on the Secret Public zine published by Sterling & Savage (and "released" by New Hormones Records) in January of 1978, but also includes a good bit of another Savage publication, London's Outrage!, as well as early gig posters for Joy Division, and Buzzcocks/Magazine. There are also several amazingly austere black & white photos of London shot by Savage in the 70's. They are stark and cold, but beautiful. Comparing the London of the 70's to today, a long time New Yorker is struck by the similarities in the changes in the two cities. I had posted about these photos last summer, and they can be seen on Savage's blog in a nice little slideshow.

Savage, who put the show together with Johan Kugelberg, was also careful to give credit where credit is due, and named several other co-conspirators who contributed art, or who otherwise made their shenanigans possible, like New Hormones' boss Richard Boon.

Again, go see this show if at all possible. Open for a much too short 2 weeks, it's only on for a few more days - thru May 23rd. Visit the Boo-Hooray Gallery website for more information, and if you make it, be sure to pick up the beautiful (and very affordable) limited edition catalog they've published for the show.

Added Bonus - meet Linder Sterling:

Buzzcocks "Promises," circa 1978:

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