Jul 23, 2010

Musicians & Books - Generation X

WORDS TO LIVE BY: "It sounds a bit stupid, but for me rock 'n' roll, and being in the group, and living the life, is the most important thing above everything else." - Tony James


Nazz Nomad said...

oooohhhh I love that song and I love that video- it's from DOA- right? (funny how the term doa has been getting some play lately)-

hey- who ARE you?

JamesChanceOfficial said...

Funny, I didn't think about the DOA connection when I posted this, but you're right.

Who am I? Good question...my name is Tim. Are you on facebook? Who are you?

Nazz Nomad said...

i just "friended" u under another nom de cyber on facebook- (rico) it's all starting to come together- Jack Rabid, noise the show, etc- i thought u were tim sommer for a sec, but i stand corrected. ps- i just started witing for the big takeover- spozwedly interviewing cheetah tonite witht he batusis - if he has time- but i am covering the show anyway

JamesChanceOfficial said...

Oh cool...glad you're writing for Jack. They had recently put out the word for writers...

9h said...

wow! love the song

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