Sep 12, 2010

Stupefaction 5th Anniversary

With this, the 2001st post, I wish myself a happy 5 year anniversary on Stupefaction. When I started this blog I really didn't have any agenda or plan in mind. It's been an interesting ride, and I'm pretty pleased with the way it's been going, and what it's become. I thank each & everyone of you who take a moment out of your day to have a look, leave a comment, and let me into your lives. It's not always easy, and sometimes I feel like killing Stupefaction, and starting something new, but those are just thoughts...I'm looking forward to what the future holds, and I'll do that right here.


T. Tex Edwards said...

Congrats on making it to five...
Thanks for your efforts...

JamesChanceOfficial said...

Thanks Tex! You're support is greatly appreciated.

Mary said...

Are you mad? Your blog is awesome! Thank you and please don't stop.

martin said...

Excellent blog! I might have missed seeing The Pop Group last night if it weren't for your post.

They were fab! Very loud, angry, jazzy, punky and most FUNKY.

JamesChanceOfficial said...

Thank you Mazza & Martin. I'm not going anywhere just yet.

Martin - I'll hopefully have a short review or two up soon. Depending on some friends. If you'd like to contribute something let me know at

NYCDreamin said...

Hey, Mr. Boogaloo: I guess I haven't stopped by in a few days and I missed this one till now. Congrats on your 5th anniversary. I've been reading for about 3 of those years now and you always have something cool here that I usually had no idea about and probably wouldn't have discovered if it were not for your devotion to bringing this stuff to greater public conciousness. Thank you for all your hard work here...and for being a friend.

Here's to at LEAST 5 more years!!

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