Nov 5, 2010

Two sides to every story

I don't know how legit this is, but Mick Jagger's apparent written reaction to Keef's new book is all over the interwebs. He's a good writer too...

I am, I see here, marginally endowed, if I read Keith's sniggering aright. I do not sing well, either. I am not polite to employees; indeed, I have even been known to say, "Oh, shut up, Keith," in band meetings. I do not appreciate the authenticity of the music or the importance of what we do. I want to "lord it over" the band, like James Brown. I am "insufferable." I slept with Anita.

Most of that is in just the first quarter of this overlong book, but a tattoo of my failings sounds all through it and culminates in almost 20 full pages of rambling invective near the end.
Continued here.


Unknown said...

Don't know if Mick actually wrote that response to"LIFE" but the counterbalance between Mick and Keef really says it all...Mick's vocals and Keef's primal rock sense are what make the Stones unique.Although I always favored Keef,Mick's so called response adds a lot to the historical narrative of the Stones and why they mean so much to us all.

JamesChanceOfficial said...

Yes, definitely. My guess is that this was (writer) Bill Wyman's review of the book. I thought it was great.

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