Oct 13, 2006

Selling Out, Buying In

I recently received this cartoon from a friend...interesting timing.

When I was growing up in the 70's into the early 80's, there was always a strong sense of artists selling out or not selling out...which side were you on? Most bands would stand by their art, and possibly some political beliefs. There was a huge stigma that came with certain things - one of them being letting some faceless company stamp their product with cool music...or at least music the advertising folks thought was cool.

There are very early examples of bands doing this. I have a great bootleg collection on CD of many popular artists of the 60's doing nothing but Coca Cola songs (including the Who - see below)...mostly versions of their hit tunes with some of the words changed to sell Coke, but this was much more the exception at the time. Stating that, there are probably many more than can be logically remembered.

Back in the 90's, I worked for the Jesus & Mary Chain who Budweiser paid a tidy sum to for the use of one of their songs. There was some outcry from their serious fans...sellout! The Mary Chain's reaction? "We like Budweiser, we drink it. It's okay with us." Fair enough.

Nowadays it's much more the norm...it's taken for granted. Due to the state of radio and outlets for exposure, many artists are of the opinion that it's the only place for them to get serious exposure (of course it helps the bottom line as well). Anyone remember that Jaguar commercial with Sting a handful of years ago? That was largely credited with helping that album sell anything. Iggy Pop has talked about the cruise line that used Lust For Life for a long time to hawk their whitebread product...now someone like Iggy has a point. He never had serious radio exposure, but thats a whole 'nother subject.

Tom Waits on the other hand...someone who also never had serious radio play, or even a sniff of a hit, absolutely goes bananas about the possibility of his music being used to sell (listen to Step Right Up from his 1976 album, Small Change). He's even successfully sued companies for hiring people that sound like him!

So...this is an interesting time we're livin' in. For a long time I didn't personally care about it, but I'm getting a bit sick & tired of everyone going for the corporate gold. It's time for some musicians to start (publically) saying no - to the man, to corporate America, to the government, to their parents. For god's sake, someone please bring some balls back to music!

Step Right Up (by Tom Waits)

Step right up, step right up, step right up,
Everyone's a winner, bargains galore
That's right, you too can be the proud owner
Of the quality goes in before the name goes on
One-tenth of a dollar, one-tenth of a dollar, we got service after sales
You need perfume? we got perfume, how 'bout an engagement ring?
Something for the little lady, something for the little lady,
Something for the little lady, hmm
Three for a dollar
We got a year-end clearance, we got a white sale
And a smoke-damaged furniture, you can drive it away today
Act now, act now, and receive as our gift, our gift to you
They come in all colors, one size fits all
No muss, no fuss, no spills, you're tired of kitchen drudgery
Everything must go, going out of business, going out of business
Going out of business sale
Fifty percent off original retail price, skip the middle man
Don't settle for less
How do we do it? how do we do it? volume, volume, turn up the volume
Now you've heard it advertised, don't hesitate
Don't be caught with your drawers down,
Don't be caught with your drawers down
You can step right up, step right up

That's right, it filets, it chops, it dices, slices,
Never stops, lasts a lifetime, mows your lawn
And it mows your lawn and it picks up the kids from school
It gets rid of unwanted facial hair, it gets rid of embarrassing age spots,
It delivers a pizza, and it lengthens, and it strengthens
And it finds that slipper that's been at large
under the chaise lounge for several weeks
And it plays a mean Rhythm Master,
It makes excuses for unwanted lipstick on your collar
And it's only a dollar, step right up, it's only a dollar, step right up

'Cause it forges your signature
If not completely satisfied, mail back unused portion of product
For complete refund of price of purchase
Step right up
Please allow thirty days for delivery, don't be fooled by cheap imitations
You can live in it, live in it, laugh in it, love in it
Swim in it, sleep in it,
Live in it, swim in it, laugh in it, love in it
Removes embarrassing stains from contour sheets, that's right
And it entertains visiting relatives, it turns a sandwich into a banquet
Tired of being the life of the party?
Change your shorts, change your life, change your life
Change into a nine-year-old Hindu boy, get rid of your wife,
And it walks your dog, and it doubles on sax
Doubles on sax, you can jump back Jack, see you later alligator
See you later alligator
And it steals your car
It gets rid of your gambling debts, it quits smoking
It's a friend, and it's a companion,
And it's the only product you will ever need
Follow these easy assembly instructions it never needs ironing
Well it takes weights off hips, bust, thighs, chin, midriff,
Gives you dandruff, and it finds you a job, it is a job
And it strips the phone company free take ten for five exchange,
And it gives you denture breath
And you know it's a friend, and it's a companion
And it gets rid of your traveler's checks
It's new, it's improved, it's old-fashioned
Well it takes care of business, never needs winding,
Never needs winding, never needs winding
Gets rid of blackheads, the heartbreak of psoriasis,
Christ, you don't know the meaning of heartbreak, buddy,
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon
'Cause it's effective, it's defective, it creates household odors,
It disinfects, it sanitizes for your protection
It gives you an erection, it wins the election
Why put up with painful corns any longer?
It's a redeemable coupon, no obligation, no salesman will visit your home
We got a jackpot, jackpot, jackpot, prizes, prizes, prizes, all work guaranteed
How do we do it, how do we do it, how do we do it, how do we do it
We need your business, we're going out of business
We'll give you the business
Get on the business end of our going-out-of-business sale
Receive our free brochure, free brochure
Read the easy-to-follow assembly instructions, batteries not included
Send before midnight tomorrow, terms available,
Step right up, step right up, step right up
You got it buddy: the large print giveth, and the small print taketh away
Step right up, you can step right up, you can step right up
C'mon step right up
(Get away from me kid, you bother me...)
Step right up, step right up, step right up, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon
Step right up, you can step right up, c'mon and step right up,
C'mon and step right up

1 comment:

Maritza said...

Just to play devil's advocate, maybe Tom Waits doesn't need the money the way that Iggy does? Does allowing Rod Stewart to cover "Downtown Train" and make a tidy sum in royalties make him more righteous about music than Iggy and the Cruise Lines?

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